WEJSUNY- natural reserve "JEZIORO WARNOŁTY" ("THE LAKE WARNOŁTY") - GŁODOWO - NIEDŹWIEDZI RÓG - lake ŚNIARDWY - ZIELONY MOST - KARWIK - MALDANIN - PISZ (30 km) the trail shows the southern shore of the greatest lake in Poland. Numerous viewpoints, nice parts of the forest, natural monuments. Possibility to spend the night - basically only in ones own tents, in marked places at the shores of lakes.
PISZ - heaven of PTTK (Polish Tourist and Country-Lovers Association) JABŁOŃ - lake BRZOZOLASEK lake WIARTEL - WIARTEL - LIPA PRZEDNIA - bus stop PKS PRZEROŚL (19 km) marked blue, excursion trail leading from Pisz to the heaven of PTTK in Jabłoń and further, to the lakes of the forest. The trail marks are drawn a little unfortunately, mostly on wide drive roads. The trail leads from the railway station and the bus stops at the front of it through the streets: Dworcowa, Klementowskiego, and Gdańska to the forest. The signs lead along a road to a heaven of PTTK and the camping site in Jabłoń (6km). From Jabłoń one follows the blue signs to south-east, for a while a road, then turning right, to the lake Brzozolasek. At the lake the trail goes to the west, by narrow paths through the woods, to the shores of the lake Wiartel, orchards, and resorts in Mały Wiartel (4.5 km). from here to the west to the village of Wiartel and a restaurant next to a bus stop (2 km). From here ? to the south by the road to Lipa Przednia, and further to a road (2 km). The way to Przerośl continues through a road, which leads just at the shore of the lake. There is a good place to rest at the clearings, once used to prepare wood to floating (so-called bindugi). The trail ends at the bus stop PRZEROŚL (4.5 km).
PISZ - WARSZAWA (225 km) by the rivers of Pisa, Narew, Bug, and Vistula leads to Warsaw and back.
PISZ - WĘGORZEWO (108 km) from the lake Roś, through Jegliński channel, through the lakes Śniardwy, Mikołajskie, Tałty, Tałcki channel, lake Tałtowisko, Mioduński channel, lakes Szymon and Jagodne to the town of Giżycko, further through Niegociński channel, lakes Kisajno, Dargin, and Mamry to Węgorzewo
PISZ - SZEROKI OSTRÓW (about 27 km) from the lake Roś through the river of Wilkuś, lake Kocioł, the river Białoławka to the lake Białoławka, further by the river Wyszka to a bay of Śniardwy and the peninsula Szeroki Ostrów.
PISZ - RUCIANE-NIDA (37 km) from the lake Roś by the Jegliński channel, through the lakes Seksty, Śniardwy to the lake Bełdany (Zatoka Iznocka - Iznocka Bay), further by a channel through the village of Iznota, then through the lakes Jerzewko and Gardyńskie to the river Krutynia , and to the lake Duś, where Wojnowo is situated.
RUCIANE-NIDA-JEZIORO NIDZKIE-WIARTEL-PTTK heaven JABŁOŃ - PISZ (29,5 km) a canoeing trail (at a large part of the way as well available for sailing boats), leading through landscape natural reserve "Jezioro Nidzkie"("The Nidzkie Lake")., one of the most beautiful reservoirs of Mazury, very attractive in terms of the landscape and tourism. The lake is surrounded by forests. On the way two PTTK heavens, and a number of camp sites. Among the lakes: Nidzkie, Wiartel, and Brzozolasek carrying or transport of kayaks necessary.