Area of the commune: 63,480 ha, of the village: 62,476 ha.
The area of the commune in terms of land classification:
- arable land: 18,076 ha - 25.5% of the commune area
- forests and forest lands: 28,648 ha - 45.1% of the commune area
- waters: 12,586 ha - 19.8% of the commune area
Struktura własności użytków rolnych:
- grounds of the treasury - 5,298 ha
- municipal grounds - 462 ha
- private persons grounds - 11,472 ha
- grounds of farmer's co-operatives - 248 ha
- other - 74 ha
Agricultural production:
- plant production:
mainly corns, potatoes, and fodder;
- animal production:
mainly production of milk, livestock of beef and swine
Hunting: game state in 1993:
- elk - 25,
- red deer - 589,
- roe deer - 744,
- wild boar - 190
Area of some of the lakes in the commune:
- Nidzkie - 186 ha in the commune of Pisz (total of 1802,06 ha)
- Roś - 1956 ha
- Kociołek - 307 ha
- Białoławka - 272 ha
- Brzozolasek - 195,49 ha
- Wiartel - 152,77 ha
- Pogobie Duże - 674,43 ha
- Jagodzin Mały - 49,52 ha
- Śniardwy - 7158 ha (total of 10.524,43 ha)
Number of the villages in the commune: 58 (including 40 village councils)
Number of farms: 658
Average size of a farm: 18.5 ha
Number of residents: 27.787 (including 19.740 in town)
Number of residents:
- in pre-productive age - 34,5%
- in the productive age - 56,7 %
- in post-productive age - 8,8 %
Density of population:
- the town 1915 people/km2
- the country 12 people/km2
Main companies:
- Piskie Zakłady Przemysłu Sklejek (Pisz Plywood Industry Plant - 910 employees)
- private company HOLZWERK (wood industry - 448 employees)
- Nadleśnictwo Pisz (Forestry Management of Pisz - 91 employees)
- Banks (PKO, PBK, BS - two branches)
- Brickyard
Number of companies:
- state-owned - 50
- private - 1000
Educational, research, culture, and sports institutions:
- 4 primary schools in town and 12 in the country
- 2 secondary schools
- 3 high schools (General Education School Complex, School Complex No 1, Vocational School Complex with the school workshops)
- State Primary Music School
- 3 kindergartens run by the commune
- a kindergarten run by the Missionary Sisters Congregation
- Hydrobiological Station of the Biology Faculty of the Warsaw University, Pilchy 5
- Public Library
- Culture Centre in Pisz
- Village Centre of Culture and Recreation in Wiartl
- Museum if the Pisz Land
- Public Music Centre
- Sports and Recreation Centre (covered swimming pool, stadium)
Number of unemployed: 3,271 people (end of 1999).